Tuesday 25 March 2014


amidst all the chaos that is my life right now... i read and reread this poem. i'd like to share it with you. 

gets me. everytime.

Thursday 2 January 2014

happy new year!


happy new year!! i hope it's been great so far.
i like fresh starts. i think we all could use one, amiright?

i have a couple of goals in mind specifically for this year but instead of sharing some resolutions, i'd like to share with you my life rules:

1. the path is not straight.
2. mistakes need not be fatal.
3. people are more important than achievements and possessions.
4. be gentle with your parents.
5. never stop doing what you care most about.
6. learn to use a semicolon.
7. you will find love.

this list was adopted from Marion Winik, an American author. 
these rules keep me humbled, allows me to keep soaring to new heights while never letting me forget my roots.

so here's to a new year. what's do you have in store for the new year?

cheers, s

Thursday 8 August 2013

normal people humour


my sense of humour tends to be on the sarcastic side. it doesn't help that i'm a nurse. 

i was waiting for the bus the other day and got talking with a stranger. we eventually got talking about our professions, then he asked me how my day was. i smiled and said "nobody died on my shift so it was a good day." 
cue laugh track...

he laughed politely and uncomfortably replied "that's not funny...it's funny..but not really" 
i laughed it off and said something about the weather.

his reply caught me off-guard but totally appropriate.

ya know, every now and again, i forget that bodily fluids and death aren't normal conversation topics for most people. 

nothing grosses me out anymore. frequency of bms and "nice veins" become icebreakers. 
sometimes stories of orifices and wounds are sprinkled in conversations with friends and family. 
and then i get the "face" that says "please let me finish my meal first.." 
my friends and family are used to it. most of the general public aren't. 
should remember that more... 

so, please forgive us in advance. 
we're not insensitive, it's how we cope. 

we're normal too... most of the time ;)

Monday 13 May 2013

oh my...

february? really? geez... i didn't realize how long it's been. 

so let's go back to february.
niagara falls, feb. 2013
a & i celebrated our 2 year anniversary in niagara falls. this trip almost didn't happen. we got into a huge fight the day before which spilled over to the day we were supposed to leave. we were pissed at each other and i told him to cancel our trip because i was just not in the mood. i hate making decisions when i'm emotional, they don't work out for me... anyhow he convinced me to go and we ended up having a great time! our hotel was in a tower and we had this amazing view of the falls but the weather sucked as per evidence above. luckily, we managed to get out the next day before the snow storm hit! lessons that i continue to learn: communicate, always. relationships are hard.  

got stuck!

there's a first for everything. with all the snowstorms we got this year, i'm sure this was bound to happen. my friend and i wanted to take advantage of all the powder and so decided to get some snowboarding in. we planned to leave early so that we didn't hit traffic, but things don't always go according to plan...so we ended up leaving later. however once we got on the road, to our surprise, no traffic! because our wipers kept getting ice on them, my friend decided to stop to manually de-ice.  that's when we found out why there was no traffic; we got snowed in by the side of the road by the plows!!!!!!! the traffic was behind them...hahaha.. good times!!

happy heart day
this was from work. yes, i indulged.

as canadians--sorry, read torontonians-- we like to complain about the weather. why? because this happens a lot.

early april
mid april

end of april
early may (24 C | 75 F ) hott!!

yesterday. yes, that is snow. 

i've been trying to do these when i can: 


& be merry. 
sprinkled with friends when possible. 

some other new things:
- i got my hair did ;) it's lighter with some lowlights. i haven't gotten streaks since i was in my first year of highschool (gasp!) and i've never had my hair coloured professionally. so it was a first. 
- i go back to school in september. i'm excited :) 

so in all, no huge life altering events. just living day by day. 

oh and remember to keep climbing, keep aiming high!

that is a thumbs up! i promise.

cheers, s

Monday 4 February 2013

not cool, robert frost.

"screw it" hair. 4:30am and I, we're working on it. 

oh hey. how's it going? me, i'm still alive :) i just landed a new job two weeks ago. it's keeping me busy. and so far it's been great. i like my coworkers, i like my mentor, and i'm taking it all in stride. i'll keep you posted. my goal everyday: not to become jaded. it's easy to be when you work in the healthcare field. it's frustrating. there's never enough time, or resources. but i digress. we'll talk about it another day. 

for today, i leave you with this awesome pep talk by a 9 year old.
kid is the bomb diggity.

"AND IT HURT MAN! really bad! rocks! thorns! and glass!...not cool Robert Frost! " - Kid President (Robby Novak, 9 years old)

happy monday. 

club soda, fresh rosemary & stevia. i call it "for 7am"

cheers, s

Saturday 5 January 2013

cheers to a new year

happy 2013! new year, new beginnings and new found gusto! i rang in my new year quietly - at home with some bubbly and some food with A and then called it a night --had to work at 8am in the morning new year's day but it was really nice...simple and we still had a blast!

i turned 26 on december 28 and was surrounded by some amazing people. i worked the day of--actually, i don't remember ever having my birthday off--then  i celebrated with some friends. i was lucky to have friends from elementary to college there. i have to tell ya, i had an overwhelming sense of pride after realizing how privileged i am to know some amazing people in my life. i was and still am very grateful. 
our tree in all its glory. i got my snow! i get gipped every year: birthday + christmas

also, i got to celebrate with this guy. he got me everything on my xmas list..whilst i hadn't ordered his yet. i know...girlfriend fail.. and yes, i've ordered it.
stripes r' us

i'm very excited about this year. i'm looking forward to some goals to be achieved, some trips to to be taken and some quality time to be had. 
2013, here's to you!
Pinned Image

What do you have in store for the new year?
cheers, s

Wednesday 19 December 2012

wishing for a white christmas

i live in Canada folks and i like my white snowy Christmas but mother nature seems to be thinking otherwise. mind you i live in the city, which doesn't get that much snow in general but i still love waking up to a beautiful white Christmas morning. these days, the temperatures are a mild 7-8 degrees celsius (about 44 degrees farenheit for my fellow American). let's hope we'll get some snow just in time for next tuesday.

in the meantime, thought i'd share with you my christmas list:
hex phone case via apple
Wunder Under Crop
good quality leggings via lululemon

leather gloves via Danier

really, that's it. some pretty basic stuff i know but i'd like to save up for a trip. in dire need of a holiday! besides, i was looking at my closet the other day and i've got some great pieces that deserve my love again. hmmm..future posts methinks.

so i leave you with this. looking forward to snow and this moment of serenity
do you get snow where you live during this time of the year? am i crazy for wanting it? haha..let me know your thoughts!

cheers, s