Saturday 5 January 2013

cheers to a new year

happy 2013! new year, new beginnings and new found gusto! i rang in my new year quietly - at home with some bubbly and some food with A and then called it a night --had to work at 8am in the morning new year's day but it was really nice...simple and we still had a blast!

i turned 26 on december 28 and was surrounded by some amazing people. i worked the day of--actually, i don't remember ever having my birthday off--then  i celebrated with some friends. i was lucky to have friends from elementary to college there. i have to tell ya, i had an overwhelming sense of pride after realizing how privileged i am to know some amazing people in my life. i was and still am very grateful. 
our tree in all its glory. i got my snow! i get gipped every year: birthday + christmas

also, i got to celebrate with this guy. he got me everything on my xmas list..whilst i hadn't ordered his yet. i know...girlfriend fail.. and yes, i've ordered it.
stripes r' us

i'm very excited about this year. i'm looking forward to some goals to be achieved, some trips to to be taken and some quality time to be had. 
2013, here's to you!
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What do you have in store for the new year?
cheers, s