Thursday 8 August 2013

normal people humour


my sense of humour tends to be on the sarcastic side. it doesn't help that i'm a nurse. 

i was waiting for the bus the other day and got talking with a stranger. we eventually got talking about our professions, then he asked me how my day was. i smiled and said "nobody died on my shift so it was a good day." 
cue laugh track...

he laughed politely and uncomfortably replied "that's not's funny..but not really" 
i laughed it off and said something about the weather.

his reply caught me off-guard but totally appropriate.

ya know, every now and again, i forget that bodily fluids and death aren't normal conversation topics for most people. 

nothing grosses me out anymore. frequency of bms and "nice veins" become icebreakers. 
sometimes stories of orifices and wounds are sprinkled in conversations with friends and family. 
and then i get the "face" that says "please let me finish my meal first.." 
my friends and family are used to it. most of the general public aren't. 
should remember that more... 

so, please forgive us in advance. 
we're not insensitive, it's how we cope. 

we're normal too... most of the time ;)

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